Team, Visitors, External Collaborators
Overall Objectives
Research Program
Highlights of the Year
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Labex Signalife

The MORPHEME team is member of the SIGNALIFE Laboratory of Excellence.

Florence Besse and Xavier Descombes are members of the Scientific Committee.

Idex UCA Jedi

Florence Besse is a member of the scientific council of the IDEX JEDI Academy 2.

Laure Blanc-Féraud is chair of the scientific council of Academy 1 of Idex UCA JEDI.

A number of projects has been partially funded by the Idex.

3AI Côte d'Azur

Laure Blanc-Féraud is a member of the scientific committee of the 3IA proposal of Nice.